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Department of Archaeology Sri Lanka

Brief Description of the organization


The vision of the Department of Archaeology of Sri Lanka is to promote proper management of Sri Lanka’s archeological heritage.


The mission of the Department of Archaeology of Sri Lanka is to function as Sri Lanka’s apex institution and chief regulatory body for the management of its archaeological heritage.


In order to fulfill its mission, the objectives of the Department of Archaeology of Sri Lanka are;

Development of resources

  • Human
  • Institutional

Protection of the total archaeological heritage of Sri Lanka

Inventorisation of the archaeological heritage of Sri Lanka

  • Sites/monuments
  • Movable antiquities

Enhancement of public awareness of the archaeological heritage of Sri Lanka

Conservation of sites/monuments and movable antiquities


Data contributions

Archaeological Monuments, Archaeological Reserves, Archaeological Buffer Zones


Department of Forest

Brief Description of the organization

Development, Conservation and Sustainable Management of Sri Lanka's National Forest Resources

Data contributions

Forest Cover

Role of SDI in their Business Process

  1. Visualizing and analyzing the available forest resources and its related activities for better decision making process.
  2. Platform for publishing and provide easy access to information.


Name(s) : K.M.H.G.N.S.B. Kekulandara
Tel : 0112866631 (Ext.257)
Fax : 0112866633
Email :


Department of Irrigation

Brief Description of the organization

Irrigation department facilitates sustainable management and improve the land and water resources for food, livelihoods and environment under the frame work of government policies

Data Contributions

Irrigation related data layers


Name(s): Eng. L. G. A. Edirisinghe
Tel         : +94 11 2555647
Fax        : +94 11 2555647
Email :


Department of Meteorology

Brief Description of the organization

A Centre of Excellence in weather and climate related services to provide services pertaining to Meteorology, Aeronautical Meteorology, Ocean Meteorology, Hydro Meteorology, Agricultural Meteorology, Climatology and Astronomy to government agencies, private sector and the general public in keeping with national interest and international standards.

Data contributions

Meteorological and climatological services and data for national development and research purposes.Rainfall ,Temperature , Humidity , Rainfall maps, Wind ,Cloud amount, Visibility , Astronomical data

Role of SDI in their Business Process

Providing Rainfall, temperature maps (daily, monthly, yearly and average maps). Issuing spatial maps for planning and national projects.


Name(s): Mr. A.K. Karunanayake ,Director General
Tel : +94 11 269 4846 / 11 269 4847 / 11 2681647 / 112 694 104
Fax : +94 11 269 8311


Department of Wildlife Conservation

Brief Description of the organization

The legally mandated organization for the protection and conservation of Fauna, Flora and their habitat from commercial and other misuses.

Data contributions

Boundaries of the Protected Area Network designated under the provision of Fauna and Flora protection.

Role of SDI in their Business Process

Data generation update and use.


Name(s) : Ranjan Marasinghe
Tel : 0112888585
Fax : 0112077376
Email :


International Water Management Institute (IWMI)

Brief Description of the organization

The International Water Management Institute (IWMI) is a non-profit, scientific research organization focusing on the sustainable use of water and land resources in developing countries. IWMI works in partnership with governments, civil society and the private sector to develop scalable agricultural water management solutions that have a real impact on poverty reduction, food security and ecosystem health. Headquartered in Colombo, Sri Lanka, with regional offices across Asia and Africa, IWMI is a CGIAR Research Center and leads the CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE).

Data contributions

eg: What are the provided spatial data

Role of SDI in their Business Process

Availability of standardized spatial data at one point will help IWMI in carrying out  reliable research and producing high quality  research outputs for Sri Lanka.


Name(s): David Wiberg
Tel : +94 11 2880000, 2784080
Fax : +94 11 2786854
Email :,


iRoad Project

Brief Description of the organization

The Government of Sri Lanka is implementing the Integrated Road Investment Program (iRoad to improve the connectivity between rural communities and socioeconomic centers by improving the transport efficiency on selected national, provincial and local roads.Under the iRoad Program, around 3000km of rural roads in Southern, Sabaragamuwa, Central, North Central, North Western Provinces and Kalutara district in Western province will be improved / rehabilitated and maintained for three years through 42 civil works contracts.

Data contributions

iRoad selected rural roads


Name(s): Mrs. K. R. D. J. K. Weerakoon - Project Director - iRoad Program, RDA
Tel : +94 112186130
Fax : +94 112187166
Email :


Land Use Policy Planning Department

Brief Description of the organization

Land Use Policy Planning Department was established in 1983 as a unit of the Ministry of Lands and Mahaweli Development to introduce scientific land use planning for Sri Lanka. The division was upgraded to a department status in 2010 by timely significance of the subject and the expansion of the role.

Land use planning activities carried out by Land Use Planning officers or Development officers attached to the District and Divisional levels according to the guidance given by the Head office. All planning activities are supervised and monitored by Assistant Director (District Land use). Activities at the National level are coordinated and manipulated by Director General with the assistance given by Director (LUP), Deputy Directors and Assistant Directors of different disciplines (Agronomy, Agriculture, Sociology and Information Systems) at the Head Office.

The activities of the department mainly based on the National Land Use policy approved by the Cabinet of Ministers in 2007. Activities mentioned in the Extra Ordinary Gazette notification no. 1654/21 issued to establish the department in 2010 and the development priorities of the government.

Data contributions

Land Use Types in Sri Lanka

Role of SDI in their Business Process

Collection of spatial information regarding presently protected areas, additional areas recommended for protection, unutilized lands, underutilized lands and information regarding the lands that are being misused is crucial in the preparation of land use plans. These information is also important to other institutions as well. NSDI is the ultimate solution to integrate all these data and bring it all to one place.

Spatial data infrastructure can also facilitate the enhancement of the productivity of underutilized lands, ensure the rational allocation of unused lands and rectify the use of lands that are being misused. Sharing of land use and related information through a common data sharing platform is timely needed to utilize the land resource of the country in sustainable manner.


Name(s): W.M.M. Priyanthi
Tel : 0112368931
Fax : 0112368718
Email :


Ministry of Education

Brief Description of the organization

The Ministry of Education (MoE) directs the formulation and implementation of policies related to primary and secondary education (General Education) in Sri Lanka. Vision of the MoE is to reach excellence in global society through competent citizens who share the Sri Lankan identity.

Data contributions Data on,

  • Government Schools
  • Teachers
  • Students
  • Student Teacher Ratio
  • Grade 1 Admissions

Role of SDI in their Business Process

Obtain an idea of the future human capital through existing data on general education in order to plan the maximum of different future.


Name : Mr. M.N. Ranasinghe, Secretary to the Ministry of Education (3rd floor)
Tel : 011-2784811
Fax : 011-2785162
Email :

Name : Additional Secretary (IT and Digital Education)
Ministry of Education 
Tel : 011-2787191


National Physical Planning Department

Brief Description of the organization

The government agency responsible to formulate national physical policies, plans and strategies, and to ensure and monitor the implementation of such national policies and plans through regional and local plans with the object of promoting and regulating integrated planning and economic, social, physical and environmental aspects of land and territorial waters of Sri Lanka.

Data contributions

Thematic maps (images)

Role of SDI in their Business Process

Sharing outputs/products


Name : Sumith Samaratunge
Tel : 0714426656/0772159109
Fax : 0112872061
Email :

Name : Buddhika Wickramasinghe
Tel : 0715510748
Fax : 0112872061
Email :


National Water Supply and Drainage Board

Brief Description of the organization

Serve the nation by providing sustainable water & sanitation solutions, ensuring total user satisfaction.

Data Contribution

  • 1. Water Supply Schemes Utility Data
  • 2. Sewerage Schemes Utility Data


Name(s) : Chief Engineer (GIS & Mapping)
Tel : 0112636770
Fax : 0112624727
Email :


Natural Resources Management Centre

Brief Description of the organization

The Natural Resources Management Centre (NRMC) is mandated to optimize the use of land and water resources on scientific basis to improve national agricultural productivity in a sustainable manner. Presently rapid land use changes, un-planned land utilization, population pressure, climate change are exerting additional pressure on natural resources. Therefore, development of technologies targeting judicial utilization while conserving natural resources, particularly land and water resources are a vital task.

The NRMC conduct research and development programs covering several disciplines. Research thrust areas of the centre are soil conservation and watershed management, land suitability evaluation, land use planning, agro-meteorology and climate change, geo-informatics and remote sensing, productivity enhancement, soil and water quality assessments and on-farm water management. Main development programs include implementation of the Soil Conservation Act, maintenance of the agro-meteorological observation network of the country, technology dissemination, provision of technical assistance and services in environmental impact assessment of various development projects.

Data contributions

Spatial data related to agriculture,

Role of SDI in their Business Process

Land utilization patterns in Sri Lanka is mostly small holding and mosaic with all type of land uses and infrastructure settings. Agriculture land use planning process need to integrate with all land related agencies. Hence, data integration via data sharing and linking is very important for sustainable agriculture planning.

Contacts Name(s): Dr. S.H.S.A. de Silva
Tel : 0812388355
Fax : 0812388355
Email :


Road Development Authority

Road Development Authority is one of the Institutions under the Ministry of Higher Education & Highways which is the apex organization in Sri Lanka for highways sector. The Ministry is responsible for the formulation of policies and programmes covering the subjects related to Highways sector.

The Road Development Authority (RDA), incorporated as a statutory body under the Ministry of Highways by the RDA Act No.73 of 1981, became successor to the Department of Highways in 1986. Since then, the RDA has become responsible for the maintenance and upgrading the National Highway Network.

The RDA is the premier highway authority in the country and is responsible for the maintenance and development of the National Highway Network, comprising the Trunk (A Class) roads, Main (B Class) roads and Expressways and the planning, design and construction of new highways, bridges and expressways to augment the existing road network.

The National Highway Network consisted of 12,379.63 km of roads including Expressways of length 169.845 km and 4,662 bridges (span of more than 3 m) as of the end of 2016.


Sri Lanka Navy Hydrographic Service

Brief Description of the organization


Hydrography is the branch of applied science the dealt with surveying the oceans for Safety of Navigation. The Hydrographers are responsible to measure, survey and observed the seas and produce the Nautical Charts.


In Sri Lanka, Hydrography has been an integral specialization in the Navy.   Before independence, the British Royal Navy, after independence the Ceylon Royal Navy and after 1972, Sri Lanka Navy has been the focal and leading hydrographic agency in this Island Nation. When National Hydrographic Office was established in 1984 under NARA, SL Navy was entrusted with Hydrographic Operations. 


Today, Sri Lanka Navy Hydrographic Service (SLNHS) lead hydrographic activities in fulfilling national requirement under International Hydrographic Organization (IHO). The IHO being the world’s governing body under the UN for hydrographic affairs has published the IHO Strategic Plan 2021 – 2026 (Published Nov 2020. See The Goal 2 under this, assigns the Member States to build a portal to support & promote regional and international cooperation in Marine Spatial Data Infrastructures (MSDI).


Thereby, SLNHS take pleasure to be collaborated with Sri Lanka’s National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) under ICTA to introduce Sri Lanka’s MSDI portal. SLNHS wish to see all users & visitors to the MSDI web portal to enhance their knowledge on our maritime domain to plan, invest and further sustainable use and management of maritime space for the prosperity of this Island Nation.



Sri Lanka Navy Hydrographic Service
Crow Island
Colombo 15

Phone: 011-7195049




Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority

Brief Description of the organization

Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority (SLTDA) is the official institution tasked with establishing, positioning, and developing Sri Lanka as a leading destination for international visitors and it is responsible for tapping into Sri Lanka’s natural potential to expand and enhance its tourism offering while benefitting investors and supporting communities, in a sustainable manner.

Prior to SLTDA being established in 2007, these functions primarily resided with the organization known as Ceylon Tourist Board / Sri Lanka Tourist Board / Sri Lanka Tourism Board which was set up in 1966 by the government of Sri Lanka an one instructional framework created under Ceylon Tourist board Act No. 10 of 1966.

Then The Tourism Development Act of 1968 provided the Ceylon Tourist Board with the statutory authority to develop tourism in a planned and controlled basis and allowed to obtain lands for development process. The Act also conferred powers for the Protection of Highways and Places of Scenic Beauty and vested authority in the Ceylon Tourist Board for the Registration and Classification of Tourist Hotels and all other tourist services.

The Tourism Act No 2005 came into effect in October 2007. With the circulation of the new Tourism act, the Sri Lanka Tourist Board Act No 10 of 1966, which was in effect for the past 41 years, was replaced. In terms of the provisions contained in the new act, the Tourism Development Fund was legally constituted, with 2 main sources remitting finances to the fund. By way of 1/3 of the Airport Tax collections and 1% of the Turnover of all Sri Lanka Tourist Board registered establishments. The Act provided for the setting up of the Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority (SLTDA), thereby replacing the Sri Lanka Tourist Board. The new Tourism Boards set up under the new Tourism Act are:

  • Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority
  • Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau
  • Sri Lanka Institute of Tourism and Hotel Management
  • Sri Lanka Convention Bureau

To be recognized as the world's finest island for memorable, authentic and diverse experiences.


To be a high-value destination offering extraordinary experiences that reflect Sri Lanka's natural and cultural heritage, are socially inclusive and environmentally responsible, and provide economic benefits to communities and the country.

Data contributions

Hotels, Restaurants, Hotel Proposed, Tourism hot spots, Bank ATM, Shopping Malls, SLTDA Parcels

Role of SDI in their Business Process

Initial use case for NSDI was to develop a platform for investors to identify correct location for tourism investment (investor insights platform). There will be additional use case developed on NSDI on the completion of the said platform.


Name(s): Mr. Janath Palmadulla
Junior Manager - Web
ICT Department
Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority
Tel :+94 112 426 900 | Ext: 110

Survey Department of Sri Lanka

Brief Description of the organization

Survey Department is the national agency conducting

  • The principal authority responsible for receiving, storing and exchanging in any form all data for the purpose of promoting the integration of surveying and mapping, geographically based information and land related information with land information system requirements;
  • Conducting cadastral surveys , statutory surveys and other surveys required for the development activities; throughout the country
  • Maintaining Parcel based LIS for the country
  • Maintaining GIS base data at different resolution for the whole country
  • Maintaining the Geodetic Control network of the country (both Horizontal & vertical )
  • National & other type of Mapping.

Data contributions

Six seamless data layers of the Topographic data set at 50K resolution for the whole country.

Some 10K and 1K sample data with 3D buildings

Role of SDI in their Business Process

  • Providing fast access to data
  • Sharing data stakeholders & General public
  • Publishing WebGIS services
  • Crowed sourcing
  • Participatory spatial data acquisitions


Name(s): Mr. W.T.M.S.B.Tennakoon (Surveyor General)
Tel : 0112368569, 0772642365
Fax : 0112369343
Email :

Tel. : 071868532, 0112368102
Fax: 0112368102


+94 11 236 9011
Urban Development Authority

Brief Description of the organization

The UDA, is a statutorily created corporate entity under the Urban Development Authority Law, No 41 of 1978 (UDA Law), with the mandate to “promote integrated planning and implementation of economic, social and physical development” of designated urban development areas. 

Vision: Towards a planned, Sustained and Adored Urbanization

Mission: Promote Integrated Planning and implementation for the economic, social, environment and physical development of the declared urban areas.

The Urban Development Authority (UDA) is the apex agency in the urban sector with overarching authority to plan, regulate, and implement development activities in designated urban development areas. As such, the performance of UDA will be catalytic in ensuring that Sri Lanka’s urban development is systematic, equitable, and sustainable, and sets the stage for the desired transformation in the country’s economic and urban landscape.

Data contributions

Land Use, Zoning,, Building lines, building footprints

Role of SDI in their Business Process

Dissemination of the spatial data created by the UDA for its declared areas and acquisition of spatial data need for preparation of master plan for the urban areas


Name(s): Ms. Senani Somasekara, Director (GIS)

Tel : 011-2876297
Fax : 011- 2872390
Email :

Name(s): M.M.Anura Prasanna, Unit Head (Planning & Geo-Informatics)

Tel : 011-2875921
Fax : 011- 2872390
Email :



